Physical fitness is one of the great essentials of match play. Keenness can only be acquired if the physical, mental, and nervous systems are in tune. Consistent and systematic training is essential to a tournament player.
Regular hours of sleep, and regular, hearty food at regular hours are necessary to keep the body at its highest efficiency. Food is particularly important. Eat well, but do not over-eat, particularly immediately before playing. I believe in a large hearty breakfast on the day of a big match. This should be taken by nine-thirty. A moderate lunch at about one o'clock if playing at three. Do not eat very rich food at luncheon as it tends to slow you up on the court. Do not run the risk of indigestion, which is the worst enemy to dear eyesight. Rich, heavy food immediately before retiring is bad, as it is apt to make you "loggy" on the court the next day.
It is certain injury to touch alcoholic drink in any form during tournament play. Alcohol is a poison that affects the eye, the mind, and the wind three essentials in tennis. Tobacco in moderation does little harm, although it, too, hits eye and wind. A man who is facing a long season of tournament play should refrain from either alcohol or tobacco in any form. Excesses of any kind are bad for physical condition, and should not be chanced.
"Staleness" is the great enemy of players who play long seasons. It is a case of too much tennis. Staleness is seldom physical weariness. A player can always recover his strength by rest. Staleness is a mental fatigue due often to worry or too close attention to tennis, and not enough variety of thought. Its symptoms are a dislike for the tennis game and its surroundings, and a lack of interest in the match when you are on the court. I advocate a break in training at such a time. Go to the theatre or a concert, and get your mind completely off tennis. Do your worrying about tennis while you are playing it, and forget the unpleasantness of bad play once you are off the court. Always have some outside interest you can turn to for relaxation during a tournament; but never allow it to interfere with your tennis when you should be intent on your game. A nice balance is hard to achieve, but, once attained is a great aid to a tournament player.
The laws of training should be closely followed before and after a match. Do not get chilled before a match, as it makes you stiff and slow. Above all else do not stand around without a wrap after a match when you are hot or you will catch cold.
Many a player has acquired a touch of rheumatism from wasting time at the close of his match instead of getting his shower while still warm. That slight stiffness the next day may mean defeat. A serious chill may mean severe illness. Do not take chances.
Change your wet clothes to dry ones between matches if you are to play twice in a day. It will make you feel better, and also avoid the risk of cold.
Tournament players must sacrifice some pleasures for the sake of success. Training will win many a match for a man if he sticks to it. Spasmodic training is useless, and should never be attempted.
The condition a player is, in is apt to decide his mental viewpoint, and aid him in accustoming himself to the external conditions of play.
All match players should know a little about the phenomenon of crowd-psychology since, as in the case of the Church-Murray match I related some time back, the crowd may play an important part in the result.
It seldom pays to get a crowd down on you. It always pays to win its sympathy. I do not mean play to the gallery, for that will have the opposite effect than the one desired.
The gallery is always for the weaker player. It is a case of helping the "under-dog." If you are a consistent winner you must accustom yourself to having the gallery show partiality for your opponent. It is no personal dislike of you. It is merely a natural reaction in favour of the loser. Sometimes a bad decision to one play will win the crowd's sympathy for him. Galleries are eminently just in their desires, even though at times their emotions run away with them.
Quite aside from the effect on the gallery, I wish to state here that when you are the favoured one in a decision that you know is wrong, strive to equalize it if possible by unostentatiously losing the next point. Do not hit the ball over the back stop or into the bottom of the net with a jaunty air of "Here you are." Just hit it slightly out or in the net, and go on about your business in the regular way. Your opponent always knows when you extend him this justice, and he appreciates it, even though he does not expect it. Never do it for effect. It is extremely bad taste. Only do it when your sense of justice tells you you should.
The crowd objects, and justly so, to a display of real temper on the court. A player who loses his head must expect a poor reception from the gallery. Questioned decisions by a player only put him in a bad light with the crowd and cannot alter the point. You may know the call was wrong, but grin at it, and the crowd will join you. These things are the essence of good sportsmanship, and good sportsmanship will win any gallery. The most unattractive player in the world will win the respect and admiration of a crowd by a display of real sportsmanship at the time of test.
Any player who really enjoys a match for the game's sake will always be a fine sportsman, for there is no amusement to a match that does not give your opponent his every right. A player who plays for the joy of the game wins the crowd the first time he steps on the court. All the world loves an optimist.
Sabtu, 28 Agustus 2010
Minggu, 27 Juni 2010
Duka "Generasi Emas"
Berita kekalahan the three lion dari jerman menjadi topik paling hangat di inggris.Fans inggris masih saja belum mau menerima hasil buruk yang di hasilkan anak-anak asuhan Fabio cappello.Penampilan Inggris di Afrika Selatan memang sangat jauh dari prediksi dan ekspektasi. Dengan dominasi Premier League,yang merupakan liga terbaik di dunia,ditopang pelatih sekaliber Fabio Capello, serta hasil mentereng di babak kualifikasi dan pertandingan pemenasan, banyak kalangan menjagokan mereka untuk mencapai level tinggi di Piala Dunia tahun ini.Tp,di mulai dengan hasil imbang 1-1 dengan USA,seri 0-0 dengan tim aljazair dan hanya menang 1-0 melawan slovenia.tentunya fans fanatik mereka bereaksi keras terhadap
Generasi Emas telah mencair. Piala Dunia telah selesai, sejak awal memang sudah merupakan malapetaka."Inggris kacau balau. Sebuah tim yang secara taktik dan teknik tidak pada tempatnya. Sebuah tim dengan individu-individu berkualitas,di bantai tanpa ampun dengan skor telak 4-1.Kegagalan Inggris di Piala Dunia 2010 memunculkan sebuah konklusi yang lahir dari rasa frustrasi, era sebuah generasi emas yang pernah begitu diharapkan, telah berakhir.Kontroversi gol Frank Lampard di menit 39 yang tidak disahkan wasit, tentu saja dirasakan kesal oleh publik Inggris. Namun, hal itu tidak menutupi betapa buruknya permainan Wayne Rooney dkk.
Kemenangan besar itim jerman menjadi balas dendam yang sempurna ketika mereka ditaklukkan 2-4 pada final Piala Dunia 1966. Dan, dalam laga ini pula Inggris harus menerima karma gol Geoff Hurst di Wembley 44 tahun silam, karena bola tembakan Frank Lampard yang melewati garis gawang setelah memantul dari mistar, dinyatakan tidak masuk. Padahal dari tayangan ulang, sangat jelas terlihat si kulit bundar sudah masuk dan seharusnya gol.Namun, ini mungkin balasan atas gol Hurst di final 1966. Waktu itu, bola tembakan Hurst belum melewati garis gawang, tetapi wasit menyatakan gol. Peristiwa tersebut masih menjadi kontroversi sampai hari ini.Ini sekaligus menjadi karma bagi inggris,dan duka bagi fans inggris.
Kamis, 24 Juni 2010
kejutan di world cup 2010
Sudah 2 minggu World cup 2010 berlangsung di afsel ternyata world cup kali ini cukup memacu adrenalin para penggila bola di seluruh dunia.Bagaimana tidak,dari hari pertama berlangsungnya world cup,sudah melahirkan kejutan yang luar biasa.kejutan world cup 2010 ini berlanjut sampai pada leg ke 3 penyisihan grup.Tim-tim besar yang mempunyai tradisi dan sejarah sepak bola yang kuat di buat tak berdaya oleh tim-tim yang levelnya di bawah mereka.Tim-tim besar sepertinya mempunyai penyakit dan ketegangan luar biasa melawan tim-tim kecil yang nota bene bermodal semangat juang yang tinggi.Kalaupun tim-tim besar yang punya tradisi sepak bola kuat bisa menang,itu pun di raih dengan susah payah.
perancis,jerman,italia,spanyol adalah sederet tim-tim besar yang merasakan kejutan di world cup 2010 dengan kekalahan dari tim-tim yang menurut para komentator di tv akan dengan mudah mereka kalahkan.
Kejutan dan kekejaman world cup berlanjut.2 tim besar gagal melaju ke babak 16 besar.kedua finalis world cup 2006 (perancis dan italia) harus pulang lebih awal dan mejadi penonton.Sebagian dari tim-tim underdog telah menjadi penghuni babak 16 besar.masih ada 6 partai lain sampai semua kuota 16 besar terisi.kita sama sama menunggu,kejutan apalagi yang akan terjadi di afsel.Akan kah kejutan di world cup 2010 berlanjut dan makan korban lagi?akan kah world cup 2010 melahirkan juara dunia baru?kita tunggu !!!!!
Sabtu, 19 Juni 2010
Communicating as a Coach
Every member looks to specific signs in order to be sure that they are being the most effective in their game. One of the major signs that every player is going to look at is the coach. If you are a coach, you will want to make sure to use all of the signs that you can in order to make game time more effective and fun for those that are playing the game with you.
Communication as a coach is more than just telling the players what to do. It is also responding to the players at an individual level, something that needs to be done with and without words. One of the major ways that a coach can communicate with the players is by sending out non-verbal messages. For example, if you know that a player has done something right, but you can't run onto the field and tell them good job, then you can always let them know with your body language. You can do this same thing in order to communicate plays, how well individual members are playing, and to help motivate them when you can't be right by their side or lecturing them.
While you are communicating with your players, you will want to make sure that you keep everything in perspective. It is always best to combine the idea of character to win the game with other aspects of coaching. Even if you are working towards winning a game, you will want to make sure that you combine this with affection towards the efforts that the different members are making while they are playing. Sometimes showing affection and compassion towards everyone's efforts will be the best motivation to keep the players in the game.
More than coaching players on the next move that they need to make is being a coach that is open to the possibilities of knowing what the team needs. By expressing this through your character, you will have the ability to make sure that all of the players are able to respond by playing a better game, knowing that there is confidence and the right message sent from the coach.
Jumat, 18 Juni 2010
Sport car Styling Tips
Are you planning to improve the aesthetic appearance of your car? Want to get that sporty and sleek look? Then here are some pointers that will help you dress up your car.
1.What products to choose from
When deciding what kind of setup you'll do to your car, you should first keep in mind that there are a multitude of products being sold out there which claim superior performance and economical. But the reality is there are some good ones and and many of bad ones. Be picky when looking car accessories and remember it is not a bad idea to look at the established brands before considering untested brands.
2.Stickers Galore
Applying sticker designs on the car hood or the other parts of the car body is one of the cheapest ways to alter and customize your car. Sticker designs range from popular performance parts logos of manufacturers as well as those designed for rally and indy races. If you are capable of making your own stickers, it is important to get permission for copying a design as it may be copyrighted. If you are planning to put stickers on the hood, choose the kind that will not be damaged by the heat of the engine. Metallic foil stickers are ideal for use on car hoods.
3.The wheels
One of the initial things that a car enthusiast does when dressing up a car is to replace the existing wheels with custom made ones. But this is not just for looks since performance wheels and tires also enhance a car's handling and performance. Choosing between tall wheels and short ones will be the next step. Bigger wheels get noticed more and increase the look of a car dramatically. Smaller wheels on the other hand have that vintage or retro look.
4.Lowering kits
Lowering your car means making your car more stable in turns aside from giving it an aggressive and sporty look. Cars are not the only ones that have lowering kits, so if you have a pickup truck, chances are, there is a lowering kit made for your vehicle. Although having a lower ride means improved handling, the trade off is poor ride quality since the car springs are stiffer and shorter.
These are some of the things that you are able to do to improve the look and stance of your car. Your car is a represents you so naturally you want it to look appealing. Of course, having a good looking car also means spending thousands of dollars. If this is your passion, then paying extra won't be a problem with you.